Every 14 th of November is World Diabetes Day and a lot of info is put out on how to best manage the condition, what predisposes a person to diabetes, latest trends in its management etc. So here, we share our thoughts on diabetes, but with a bias on managing DIABETIC EMERGENCIES Diabetes is a lifelong medical condition where the body cannot produce enough insulin. Insulin is a chemical made by the pancreas (a gland behind the stomach), which regulates the blood sugar (glucose) level in the body. Normally our bodies automatically keep the right blood sugar levels, but for someone with diabetes their body can't. Instead, they have to control the blood sugar level themselves by monitoring what they eat, and taking insulin injections or pills. Sometimes people who have diabetes may have a diabetic emergency, where their blood sugar becomes either too high or too low. Both conditions are potentially serious and may need treatment in hospital. Targets For Blood \sugar Lev...