
Showing posts from April 25, 2021

CPR does saves lives

Don't we all just love stories with happy endings ❀ πŸ˜πŸ‘ On the 25th of May 2019, a Nigerian doctor, Dr James King was on an Azman aircraft that was headed for Lagos state from Kano state. About 30 minutes to arrival, something happened. A passenger had collapsed! Luckily someone noticed and raised an alarm which attracted Dr King and yes he swung into actionπŸ’ƒ He identified himself, checked out the passenger, realized that he had irregular heartbeats (this could lead to Cardiac Arrest), was unresponsive and was in danger of dying. He announced that the man's survival was dependent on their actions! He got a couple of other passengers to help lay the casualty on the floor of the aircraft. He started giving CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). The casualty started responding.  Meanwhile he had asked the cabin crew for a  first aid box, well, this came in very handy as the casualty had some seizures during the CPR intervention that were well managed with ...

World Day for Safety and Health at Work:Stay prepared

Yesterday was World Day for Safety and Health at Work and the theme was "Anticipate,  Prepare and Respond to Crisis:Invest Now in Resilient OSH Systems". I am reminded of a sad event that occurred in 2016. A beautiful 43 YO in the company of her kids and friend went to a telecom company (Airtel) in Lagos state. She had to register her SIM for her phone. The protocol involved her getting a photo capture. She was asked by a staff to stand at a spot for the capture to be done. Unfortunately, the spot she stood on caved in! There was a sinkhole! One of her legs got trapped in the hole. That leg not only got trapped but badly injured, the damage was so bad that she bled severely and even lost tissue. The place was tiled so you can only imagine the damage the broken sharp tiles would have caused. The injuries went from the ankle area all the way to her knee. Now we know that if there is uncontrolled severe bleeding, survival chances begin to narrow We know that fi...

World Day For Safety and Health at Work

28th of April every year is celebrated as World Day For Safety and Health at Work as declared by the International Labour Organization to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally.  This year the theme is πŸ‘‰Anticipate, Prepare and Respond to Crisis and Invest now in Resilient OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) Systems.  The proper thing is for Organizations to have  standard health and safety policies that are enforced to the "T", as this would increase productivity, reduce downtime and protect employees and visitors that come in to transact business.  An investment in OSH is worthwhile and right thing to do . Stay safe Stay healthy  #WorldDayForSafetyAndHealthAtWork #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

The Minis

Mmmhhmmm, we do have quite a bouquet of first aid kits/boxes😁 The itsy bitsy sizes,  the large and everything in-between. One thing that is common with those with content is that they contain all first aid ki/box essentials,  no matter how small the kit/box maybe. The FABS Ankara Minis are a classic example.  πŸ“Œcontain all the first aid bare necessities  πŸ“Œconvenient enough to be on the go with  πŸ“Œeye candy (appealing variety) πŸ“Œaffordable  πŸ“Œreliable ally during a medical emergency  You know you need one #TheFABSMini #FirstAidKits  #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Remembering Samuel Okwaraji

One of the most painful things in life is the occurrence of an avoidable death!πŸ₯Ί Suddenly a life, a dream is terminated. Samuel Okwaraji was a lawyer but we hardly remember that, he is mostly remembered as a promising footballer who died at 25 while repping his countryπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί The year was 1989, it was a world cup qualifying match. The game was almost over and next thing, he slumped and died πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί It was later reported that the cause of death was congestive heart failure (CHF). This eventually led to his sudden death. CHF can cause the heart rhythm to become abnormal which can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. Could his death have been prevented?Most def!  Preparation for medical emergencies could have saved his life.  Remember there are first aid interventions (CPR) and medical devices (AED) that would have given Samuel Okwaraji a chance at survival. Being prepped for a medical emergency includes having first aid skills, first aid kit and other life saving ...

World Malaria Day

Today is World Malaria Day  Every 25th of April is observed as World Malaria Day.  Awareness is raised about malaria, how to reduce malaria cases and how to prevent malaria  This year the theme is "Reaching The Zero Malaria Target". Is this possible? Of course YES. Over the years the malaria burden has greatly reduced -mortality rate has reduced, occurrence and prevalence is ebbing. It is possible for malaria to be totally kicked out of our world. We just need to concretize our malaria preventive initiatives. When last did you suffer a malaria bout? Some people have lived free of malaria for years even though they live in malaria endemic regionsπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ We can achieve the zero malaria target only if we work assiduously for it #WorldMalariaDay2021 #ReachingTheZeroMalariaTarget #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Some facts about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)

Been a minute 😊  Let's pick up from where we left off.  πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ The "slumped and died" syndrome (S&D) Most of the episodes of S&D are as a result of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) SCA has plagued quite a lot of people and sadly has more often than not led to their deaths.  Let's put out some factsπŸ‘‡ πŸ“Œ SCAs can happen to anyone, though there are predisposing factors  πŸ“Œ most SCAs happen outside of a hospital  πŸ“Œ when someone dlumps and becomes unresponsive, most of the time, those around are clueless on what to do to help πŸ“Œ so much time is wasted before medical help us accessed  πŸ“Œ an episode of SCA  doesn't neccesarily have to lead to death  πŸ“Œ when people slump and become unresponsive, certain first aid interventions when applied can give them a chance at survival  πŸ“Œ there are medical equipments that can be deployed to improve survival chances πŸ“Œ every second counts! The longer it takes to commence first aid and a...