
Showing posts from April 4, 2021

First Aid Box

Different strokes for different folks. ๐Ÿ˜Š This first aid box right here has no drama, it just looks immaculate. It's appealing really๐Ÿ˜ Very mobile. Suitable for homes and work spaces (depending on the size) It has 2 variants,  one has a tray with compartments and other is "trayless". Love , love looove it It could serve as your medicine box or cabinet as well as a first aid box. So if you have medications or first aid items littered around the house,  this box right here can be what would help put some order in your home Come get one๐Ÿ˜‰ #FirstAidBox #FirstAid  #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Blood clots -prevention and treatment

With blood clots, its sooooooo important that they are attended to ASAP, as they have the potential to cause serious devastation.  Of course preventing them in the first place is highly desirable and recommended.  PROPHYLAXIS  Please take note that aspirins don't dissolve blood clots, they are designed to prevent the formation of blood clots. Blood thinners aka anticoagulants (Warfarin, Heparin, Aspirin etc.) are designed to thin the blood or prevent blood clot formation. Compression socks are used for preventive measures  THERAPEUTIC  The remedy for blood clots are thrombolytics, they dissolve blood clots, aka clot bursters. They dissolve blood clots already formed, thereby removing the obstruction and improve blood flow to organs and tissues and so prevent organ and tissue death Depending on the urgency,  they can be delivered straight to the spots where the blood clots are (this process is of course carried out by doctors). They include t-PA,...

Blood clots

Some time in 2014, Kefee, a renowned gospel musician in Nigeria died๐Ÿฅบ. It was such a painful loss News had it that she was on a flight to the US when she took ill, went into a coma and eventually died in a hospital ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ It was later learnt it was an issue of lung failure. This was brought about by blood clot. So Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is blood clot in the deep veins of the limb, it could break off and travel to an organ and stop blood flow, the organ gets deprived of oxygen and nourishment and eventually gradually dies. In Kefee's case, the blood clot git stuck in her lung and caused lung failure.  So inactivity increases the chances of  DVT, sitting for long trip is an absolute no-no. It is advisable that during long trips we occasionally get up, move around.  Knowledge, information, these are so important. Let us reduce preventable deaths. #BloodClot #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Blood clots-signs and symptoms

Identifying the signs and symptoms of blood clots and taking the neccessary actions can be life saving.  The signs and symptoms that one would experience if there is a blood clot would depend on where the blood clot is located.  If the blood clot is stuck in heart muscles here are the presentation๐Ÿ‘‡ -pain in the chest that can radiate to the left arm - feeling nauseous  -feeling dizzy  -shortness of breath If the blood clot is in the brain๐Ÿ‘‡ -loss of sensation on one side of the body  -speech difficulty  -seizures If the blood clot is in deep veins of the limbs๐Ÿ‘‡ -pain or tenderness in the area not caused by an injury  -swelling and soreness  -warmth and redness or skin discoloration  If the blood clot is in the lungs๐Ÿ‘‡ -coughing up blood -difficulty in breathing -chest pain (worsens when one takes deep breath or lies down) If the blood clot is in the abdomen๐Ÿ‘‡ -presence of blood in stool or/and vomit  -tummy pain -stooling a...

Do you have first aid skills

Fact๐Ÿ‘‰ you don't have to be a doctor, pharmacist, nurse or some other health care provider to render first aid. First aid is easy and anyone can learn the skills ๐Ÿ‘Œ #FirstAidSavesLives  #FirstAid  #FirstAidSkills  #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

The FABS Mini

The small but mighty first aid kit, that is what summarizes The FABS Mini. Has all the essentials of a first aid kit ๐Ÿ‘Œ  Small enough to fit in without hassles into your handbag or laptop bag yet stocked enough to come to your rescue during a medical emergency.  You should get one or gift them to people.  #FirstAid  #FirstAidKits  #TheFABSMini #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS 

Preventing blood clots

The consequences of untreated blood clots could be grievous, it's therefore important to prevent them and spot them early.  Here are some ways of preventing blood clots ๐Ÿ‘‡ -know the risk factors and determine if you are at risk -ditch the sedentary lifestyle. If you are on a long trip, try to occasionally walk around. If your job demands long periods at your desk, occasionally get up, walk around  -keep a healthy weight  -quit smoking Remember prevention is so much better than a cure  #BloodClots  #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Why first aid?

Most times, illnesses and injuries don't happen where professional medical facilities are easily accessible or when a HCP (Health Care Provider) is just a breath away.  Well, that is where and when first aid comes in. First Aid is the immediate help that is given to someone who gas become ill or injured, until professional medical help is accessed. It preserves life. It prevents a bad situation from getting worse. It promotes quick recovery.  We all need to get first aid learned as you never know when and where first aid skills would come in handy #FirstAid #FirstAidSavesLives  #FirstAidLearned #FirstAidSkills #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

World Health Day

Every 7th of April is World Health Day and it's about promoting a healthier world. Our health should not be taken as an afterthought. We really can't enjoy a full life with ill health. Indeed health is wealth  Take care of yourself by staying healthy. Go for health checks.  Make healthy life choices This year the theme is "Building A Fairer, Healthier World". It starts with you #WorldHealthDay #buildingafairerhealthierworld  #healthylifestyle  #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Emergency Preparedness

You know how it's mandatory for us to have fire extinguishers in our automobiles, you know it's for our own good and safety, right? And some people have always ensured that they have one. Funny how someone may have consistently had one for years and may have never had reason to use it ever! After yearssssss of always having one in my trunk, i finally had cause to use it in 2016 when my car went up in flames and my fire extinguisher came to my rescue. Then in 2017 when my fire extinguisher saved the day for a commercial bus that was in flames.  When certain agencies inspect our vehicles to ensure we have fire extinguishers, it's for our good and safety and not to harrass us. Better prepped than sorry.  #MedicalEmergencyPreparedness  #FirstAid  #FirstAidSkills  #FirstAidKit  #FirstAidLearned  #FirstAidSavesLives  #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Complications of blood clots

Blood clots are not good news except they are functioning as plugs to prevent blood loss. When they travel in blood vessels and then get stuck, then alarm bells should go off, as this means they become obstacles that prevent blood flow from reaching other parts of the body. This results in those parts becoming starved of oxygen and nourishment. When they get stuck in an organ, alarm bells should go off too. Cause this results in the death of the cells of that organ as they are starved of oxygen and nourishment. These complications could lead to life threatening situations or even life long incapacitation. Blood clot stuck in blood vessels can starve the brain of oxygen and this could lead to ๐Ÿ‘‰ STROKE Blood clot stuck in a blood vessel (pulmonary artery) of the lungs, results in ๐Ÿ‘‰ PULMONARY EMBOLISM Blood clot stuck in blood vessels can lead to an interruption of blood flow to the heart muscles and could result in ๐Ÿ‘‰HEART ATTACK Blood clot stuck in the deep veins in...

Stay Learned

One of the most painful things in life is the occurrence of an avoidable death or avoidable incapacitation.  These often occur as a result of ignorance,  cluelessness! It's consequences are dire. How often have we experienced the results of being ignorant and then wishing we knew better! IN THE AGE OF INFORMATION, IGNORANCE IS A CHOICE- Donald Miller  We really can't and shouldn't risk being ignorant about health concerns and first aid interventions.  There is so much to benefit and absolutely nothing to lose  Make it a priority to become first aid learned. You can start by staying glued to this platform and sharing our posts too, you never know when those tips and info would come handy or who would benefit from them. #FirstAid  #FirstAidSavesLives  #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

What are blood clots

So we are back talking about blood clots. Someone drew our attention to the fact that we didn't really describe what a blood clot is like. Here we go.  Remember we had mentioned that naturally,  blood should be liquid not clumpy or gel-like. Blood clot is when blood becomes clumpy, becomes gel-like. So it presents as a lumpy mass in the midst of liquid blood (which is it's natural state) Having blood clots is never good news, except when it acts as a plug to prevent loss of blood as a result of an injury.  Blood clot(s) traveling in the blood vessels (veins and arteries), blood clot(s) stuck in body organs......bad news and should be avoided completely.  #BloodClots #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS