
Showing posts from March 28, 2021

First Aid Box

Here is first aid box that is so well suited for automobiles. It is designed like a toolbox. Great for massive automobiles, e.g. trucks, sports utility vehicles, tankers etc. Medical emergencies happen unannounced. It's best to be prepped always. #FirstAidKits #FirstAidBoxes #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Blood clots-causes

The nature of blood is liquid, not clumpy, not gel-like, not clot-like. However during an injury to the skin that affects blood vessels, blood clots form and they act as clogs to help reduce blood loss from the injury. However blood clots traveling in the blood through blood vessels poses a serious hazard and threat to life. Depending on where the blood is found or where it gets stuck, it poses different types of threat. They can get stuck in the blood vessels of organs (heart lungs, brain), in limbs (arm or leg), in the tummy. Certain lifestyles can put one at risk of developing blood clots, other factors that are not within our control can also put us at risk. Here are some risk factors of developing blood clotsπŸ‘‡ - sedentary lifestyle, sitting for too long (especially during long trips). Being on bed rest for too long - smoking - birth control pills (some) - pregnancy - some types of illnesses (autoimmune disorders, some cancers, HIV/AIDS...) - obesity - age (...

World Autism Day

World Autism Awareness Day Today is World Autism Awareness. This day is dedicated to spreading awareness on autism, this would help us to understand and relate with those living with autism.  Autism is a life condition, it develops during childhood period and it is the nervous system that is affected. Autistic individuals have challenges in performing every day activities, difficulty socializing, challenges in communication and have repetitive behaviors. Let's show kindness to those living with autism #WorldAutismDay #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

What's in the oven for April

Learned πŸ‘‰ Knowledgeable. Well-informed. Highly educated. Have understanding  Clueless πŸ‘‰No idea. No knowledge. No info. No understanding. No ability  This month we will be sharing actual events, situations that were actually medical emergencies and their outcomes.  Being learned or clueless on first aid matters has implications. Being first aid learned can preserve lives, prevent a bad situation from getting worse and promote quick recovery. Being first aid clueless can cause loss of life, make a bad situation get worse and delay recovery. We will be sharing lessons learnt from the real life events and how to forestall sad outcomes. You don't want to miss any episode of the series this month. #FirstAid #FirstAidLearned #FirstAidClueless #FirstAidSavesLives #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Pins and needles

Pins and needles is that tingling, burning or numb sensation we sometimes experience,  mostly in our feet, hands, legs or arms.  It is mostly transient but really annoying  It is often caused by prolonged pressure on that part of your body, for example, you sleep on your arm, you sit cross-legged for a while Here are some tips to help you feel better ASAP.  -the first thing to do is to take pressure off that body part -if you can, stretch that body part. For toes, wriggle them. For hands, clench and unclench your fist repeatedly. The plan is to get some movements in the affected part Give these tips a try the next time you have a pins and needles episode  #PinsAndNeedles #FirstAidTips #FirstAid #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Are you prepped for a medical emergency ?

Sometimes your owning a first aid kit saves the day for someone else 😁 at other times, it saves the day for you. Whatever the case, it's such a good feeling that when the medical emergency happened, you weren't caught snoozing  Stay safe, stay prepped #FirstAidKit #FirstAid #FirstAidSavesLives #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Choking teaser

Choking, when severe, can lead to death if no first aid intervention is deployed.  Ok, here's the question πŸ‘‡ If someone is choking,  you should do nothing if  A) They are conscious  B) They look like they will be fine  C) They are coughing  D)They can move around E) They are unconscious  What do you think πŸ€” #Choking #FirstAid #FirstAidSavesLives #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Epileptic seizure and first aid care

One of the 3 Ps of first aid care/intervention is to Prevent a bad situation from getting worse.  What we do or faip to do during a medical emergency can make all the difference,  sometimes can even make the difference between life and death! Interesting to note that some first aid interventions are so basic. So tell us, if you were present during a situation of an epileptic seizure, would you know the first and right thing to do? #Epilrpsy #EpilepticSeizures #FirstAid #FirstAidSavesLives #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Emergency preparedness

We know that you know that every space needs a first aid box/kitπŸ€”πŸ˜πŸ˜ Why?🀷‍♀️ Because we know that you know that medical emergencies can happen anywhere, anytime to anyone πŸ€” Staying prepped is key to being on top of emergency situations.  Emergency preparedness = First aid kit/box + First aid skills So how prepped are you? The FABS Wooden First Aid Box is suitable for schools, offices, churches, mosques, hotels, restaurants and other public spaces. They are wall units with provisions for hanging them on walls. They come empty and can be stocked based on requests and purpose of their use, so they tailor made for you.  Want to stay prepped for medical emergencies? We are a call or DM away #FirstAidBoxes #FirstAidKits #FirstAid #FirstAidSavesLives #WoodenFirstAidBoxes #Schools #Creches #PrimarySchools #SecondarySchools #Hotels #Mosques #Churches #Offices #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS

Burns and first aid

Burns! The harm they can cause.  Burns could occur while performing every day activities at home or work, especially in the kitchen. Burns could happen from moist or dry heat and their degrees of burns vary.  However, there is 1 first aid intervention that applies to all burnsπŸ‘‰ COOL the burn. Run cool water over the burn for about 20 minutes. This could also help prevent a blister from forming.  Cooling the burn is the very first step that helos in preventing a bad situation from getting worse.  #Burns #FirstAid #FirstAidForBurns #FirstAidSavesLives #TheFABS  #TheFirstAidBoxShop  #BeFABulouS