According to an article written by The Times of London, Men
are more likely than women to need CPR after sex. What!!!
Scientists have found that men are far more likely than women to suffer cardiac arrest during or after sex. They have also found that in only one in three cases does the overexerted amore (lover) receive what cardiologists term “bystander CPR,” but what everyone else would term “the very least a considerate lover could do”.Even so, we should not worry too much. Keeling over during congress is very rare. Of the almost 5,000 sudden cardiac arrests identified by the scientists, 34 were linked to sexual activity. That equated to 1 per cent of all male cases and 0.1 per cent of all female ones, they reported at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association.Despite these odds, stories persist of men who died during sex. According to one account, Lord Palmerston met his end while entertaining a maid on a billiard table. Other statesmen rumored to have gone the same way include President Faure of France in 1899 and President Abacha of Nigeria in 1998.Sumeet Chugh, associate director of the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, said: “These findings highlight the importance of continued efforts to educate the public on the importance of bystander CPR, irrespective of the circumstance.”
So, does this make a case of innocence for those ladies who
found their partners dead after sex in Nigeria? Lot of stories are out there of
men passing out after or during sex and the ladies running away for fear being
arrested or they are being arrested eventually by the police. I believe most of
you have heard. Only if those ladies had known the act of cardiopulmonaryresuscitation (CPR) and applied it, they won't have run away or get arrested.
Their lack of first aid skills led to their unfortunate event.
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