Methylated spirit and first aid
It is like a tradition to have a bottle of methylated spirit in a first aid box, but do we know what it's purpose is?
If we took a poll on what we use it for during first aid care, a lot of us would probably mention that it's primary use is for wound treatment.
The facts:
Methylated spirit is great for killing germs and bacteria, hence it is a disinfectant. However it isn't a choice disinfectant for wounds.
It can be used as a disinfectant for unbroken skin e.g. to disinfect the skin before an injection or before a surgery.
If it is applied to a wound it would kill bacteria, but could slow down the healing process as it kills the new cells the body needs to help in healing.
Methylated spirit can be used to sterilize first aid tools (scissors, tweezers, etc.) and surfaces that might have been contaminated during first aid care.
Don't abuse methylated spirit any longer, use it correctly 👍
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