10 Reasons Why Workplace/Workspace Safety Can Make You More Money

What is workplace/workspace safety?

It refers to policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety and health of employees within a workplace/space. It involves hazard identification and control according to government standards and on-going safety training and education for employee.
Workplace/space should as much as possible be hazard free. Potentially dangerous environment should be made safe.

Two components of workplace/space safety are:
i) Safety of employees-deals with the environment he/she works in
ii) Health of employees-deals with ability of the employee to discharge his/her duty in a sickness/illness free state
For an employee to be productive, safety and health are primal!!!

Workplace/space safety is based on occupational health and this is the science of designing, implementing and evaluating comprehensive health and safety programs that maintain and enhance employee health, improve safety and increase productivity in the workplace/space. Invariably, increase in productivity results in more money!

Occupational health is the ability of the worker to perform at an optimum level of well-being at a job as reflected in terms of productivity, efficiency and employment longevity. Bear in mind that the workforce is a crucial asset and ill health reduces productivity.
Failure to promote worker’s health and protect workers from hazards inherent in their work will lead to poor productivity and efficiency which invariably leads to a drop in profitability. Occupational health borders on health, safety and welfare of workers. It is also an important means of archiving higher productivity.

The Factory Act 1990
The International Labour Organization (ILO) has continually made efforts to improve health and safety of workers in the workplace/space. Nigeria is a member of the ILO.
Part IV of the Factory Act is concerned with welfare (general provision), of which includes the provision of First aid Boxes in workplace/space.
Occupational health and safety states in the 7th provision that: First aid /medical services must be available to workers in the workplace/space.
Providing and maintaining a well-equipped first aid box or first aid station at workplace/space allows for speedy responses to emergencies/ sudden illnesses. It also meets the basic health needs of workers.
Provision of first aid boxes or first aid stations at workplace/space indicates that the employers are concerned about the employees’ health. It also a requirement of the government.

Reasons why workplace/workplace can make you more money: From a show of commitment from management to the welfare of workers to having a happier, more motivated workforce, here are ten reasons why your company should take workplace safety seriously.

i) Accidents at work can be promptly attended to and injured worker has a better chance of recovering faster and going back to work. Injury or death may occur at the workplace and they impact the company financially. Put safety first, reduce financial loss as added financial impact occurs as a result of injury or death

ii) There is a higher level of commitment by workers as they feel the employer values their health and safety.
iii) Penalty from government for non-compliance is eliminated

iv) Legal issues are avoided e.g. an employee suing an employer for damages as a result of failure of employer to provide a safe working environment or failure to protect workers’ health in the workplace/space

v) Enhances the brand value and goodwill of the workplace/space. This helps the company to win and retain business clients. Clients would rather do business that are concerned about health and safety as this results in less downtime due to incidents/accidents. Cooperate reputation is positively affected. Sales and perceived quality increase with a good reputation

vi) Reduces business costs and disruption. When business costs is reduced, productive work environment is created

vii) Employee insurance claim reduces. Worker compensation insurance claims decrease, in turn lowering WCB rate. This is a benefit to any workplace that has to pre-qualify to work, a lower rate gives you a better grade with clients

viii) Improved quality-When the employer cares about its employees, the employee will in turn care about the products

ix) Increased worker productivity –when safety training and education are implemented, it creates a positive work environment

x) Absenteeism drops when effective safety programs are introduced- employees want to work in a safe environment, absenteeism drops when effective safety programs are introduced

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