Over this weekend Tagbo Umeike was laid to rest. Sad! Was his death avoidable? Circumstances surrounding the cause of his death are still not very definite, but there seems to be alcohol poisoning in the mix. We might know people or have heard about deaths caused by alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning is a life threatening condition, however it does not need to end in tragedy.
Severe intoxication/alcohol poisoning can be really dangerous and its consequences can be unpredictable. It occurs by drinking large amounts of alcohol too quickly in a short period of time (binge drinking). This could lead to depression of the central nervous system, unconsciousness, coma and eventually death

-Slurred or loud speech
-Nausea and vomiting
-Moist face
-Deep noisy breathing
-Strong pounding pulse
-Loss of balance or no ability to walk straight or stand still
If victim is unconscious, look out for
-Shallow breathing
-Weak rapid pulse
-Widened pupils that react poorly to light

-Drinking too much alcohol in too little time
-Drinking on an empty tummy

First aid treatment
While treatment for alcohol; poisoning are not complicated, many people wait too long before they get help/treatment. The most important stage in treatment is within the emergency room (ER), however first aid can be administered by those in the company of the victim. Therefore it is very important that early identification and recognition of symptoms is done.
It should be noted that in some cases that first aid administration is not sufficient to remedy the situation.

If victim is conscious
-Victim should be taken to a comfortable well ventilated space
-Loosen tight clothing
-Keep victim warm
-Victim should be rehydrated preferably with oral rehydration salts (ORS) or water
-If activated charcoal is available, it should be administered

If victim is unconscious
-Perform cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
-As soon as possible get the victim to a hospital

The actions taken before professional help arrives can make the difference between life and death

What alcohol does to your system
-It depresses your central nervous system. It slows down or eventually stops your nervous system from working properly, particularly in the brain.
This can severely weaken the mental and physical body functions like sight, speech, memory and coordination. It can send a person into deep unresponsiveness at worse slow down or shut down breathing and cause death.

Do’s(for conscious victim)
-Get the victim to a comfortable and well ventilated space
-Rehydrate victim
-Place victim in recovery (victim should lie on his/her side)
-Try to keep victim awake, shake them, if that does not work, induce pain e.g. a slap. Do whatever possible to keep them awake

Do’s (for unconscious victim)
-Perform CPR
-Call for help

Don’ts (for conscious victim)
-Try to walk him or her around
-Induce vomiting
-Send victim to bed (they need to be monitored)
-Let victim drive
-Give cold bath

Don’ts (for unconscious victim)
-Give him/her anything to eat or drink

#TheFABSidea –It is important that you have an adequately kitted first aid box or kit at home, at recreational places, in your car etc., because you never know when you would need one. Get a first aid box or drug box/kit today from our interesting range of first aid boxes and drug boxes. Visit our website or call us today. 070 555 17 888

Be emergency ready

Be prepared always

Be FABulouS



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