World Obesity Day 2022
Obesity is excessive accumulation of fat
It is rare for someone to set out to be obese and most people who are obese find it difficult to get rid of the excess fat😔
Obesity is more than a cosmetic issue as it has health implications
It increases one's risks to all sorts of health challenges e.g. heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, digestive issues, osteoarthritis....
It can be heredity, can be caused by diet, physical inactivity, environmental or physiological causes
A simple way to gauge obesity is to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI = Weight (kg)/Height (m)²
Weight in kg divided by Height in m (squared)
If value is above 30, then the person is obese
Grab a bathroom scale and a measuring tape and know your status
Healthy values should be in the range of 18.5-29.9
The theme for this year is "Everybody Needs to Act"
Health care professionals, policy makers, family members, friends, employers, people who are obese......basically everyone needs to be involved in fighting obesity
Obesity is more than getting people to be more active and eat less
Body shaming should stop
Stigmatization should end
You never know the struggles of obese people and the efforts they are making to be more healthy
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