
Showing posts from 2018

The FABS Safety Snack: Life Support Flow Chart

So you happen on someone that looks unconscious  or someone slumps right in front of you,do you go into panic mode,are you clueless or are you FABulouS enough to take charge and save the day! Here is a step by step instruction on how to save a soul and prevent a bad situation from getting worse. Our Emergency Medical Service (EMS) numbers are not as effective as those of the western world.Its still work in progress. Lagos state does have the 112 and 767.Its very functional. Hope this info comes in handy one day when the need arises. #BeEmergencyPrepared #SaveASoul #TheFirstAidBoxShop #TheFABS #BeFABulouS

The FABS Safety Snack: Asthma

Asthma attack? Here is a pictorial description of how you can help someone who has an asthma attack. #BeEmergencyPrepped #TheFirstAidBoxShop #TheFABS #BeFABulouS

Photos: Corps member found unconscious on roadside in Lagos

I came across this post on Lindaikejis Blog. It highlights the importance of obtaining the First Aid skill. You can never tell when you need it. We appreciate those who took the action of taking him to the hospital. Let us assume it's a race against time.A second can make the difference between life and death. So before rushing the casualty to the hospital, the thing to do is to first of all check for SIGNS  OF LIFE.Is the casualty breathing?This can be done under a minute. (1)Look-at the chest for a rise and fall of the chest,this shows casualty is breathing (2)Listen-for breathing  (3)Feel-for breath from nostrils If there are no signs of life,commence CardioPulmonary  Resuscitation  (CPR).once casualty starts breathing,take him/her to the ER. A Corps member,  Babatunde sodiq bello  is currently in the hospital where he was taken after being found lying on the side of a road, unconscious.  According to the eyewitness, Folusho, the Corps member was found on


So are we aware of the recommended process of first aid application in managing a cut or wound?Depending on the depth of the injury it may or may not be fatal. However,getting the right skills and equipped with a first aid box/kit equips you to successfully handle the situation. Always wear protective disposable gloves when you want to administer first aid and there are chances you will be exposed to body fluids like blood. Dont endanger yourself while trying to help.Every first aid kit/box should have gloves.Hope the info comes in handy when the need arises. #BePreparedBeforeItHappens #SaveALife #TheFirstAidBoxShop #THEFABS #BeFABulouS


Often you hear news of someone who slumps either while jogging or walking or engaging in one form of sporting activity or any random activity. This usually results in the death of the victim. The question that comes to mind is: could their death be avoided? I want to say, yes, only if someone around knew what to do,  like how to perform CPR or use an AED (if available). The link below talks about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and 5 things that raise the risk of it happening. Hope you  read it and pick a thing or two from it. About Sudden Cardiac Arrest #BePrepared #GetTheSkills #SaveALife #BeFABulouS .

Need For Basic Knowledge Of CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Source: NAN It happens that you witness someone who slumps,would you know the first aid skill to administer that could save the life?!There are avoidable deaths,it's not cool being a spectator or a reporter for social media platforms.In this report it was mentioned that the life of the man could have been preserved if he had prompt medical care.🤔.That is what first aid skill and knowledge does.You never know when you will be in a position to save a life or watch a life go cause you were either prepared with first aid skills and kit or not. Basic CPR (CardioPulmonary Resuscitation ) could just have saved this man. Source: Naija News #BePreparedBeforeItHappens #SaveLives #BeFABulouS #TheFirstAidBoxShop

World Breastfeeding Week

August 1st -7th is the World breastfeeding awareness week.The benefits of breastfeeding are indeed super beneficial to both mother and child. There are however some occurrences that make this super beneficial process very uncomfortable for some mothers. Chief of which is when the baby does not latch properly on the nipple and therefore causes intense pain for the breastfeeding mum and causes her to want to discontinue breastfeeding or endure excruciating pain. Thing to do,especially for first time moms:learn to help tiny tot latch properly on the nipple so that pain is absent. What causes the pain is :CRACKED NIPPLES. This occurs when the baby is not properly positioned at the breast and so baby sucks only on the tip of the nipple (this is experienced mainly by first time moms and by nursing moms with flat or inverted nipples) See a doctor if nipples are red and shiny and have a white deposit. Also if there is a red tender deposit on the breast Remedy to avoid a cra


Source: Civil Society Wondering how to perform HANDS ONLY CPR ? Here is a short video from The British Heart Foundation, featuring Hard Man Vinni Jones and his "mini me" showing you how it is done. Enjoy viewing and drop your comments. Video source:  British Heart Foundation #SafetyAlways #GetTheSkill #BePrepared #GetTheKit #BeFABulouS

Police officers revive 2-year-old who nearly drowned in pool (Video)

Here is a short video of a Newark Police officer performing First Aid on a 2 year old girl that nearly drowned. As the girl gasps for air, the Police Officer can be seen giving the child back first aid back blows to force water out of her lungs, while holding her steady on his knee. Source:  NJ

The World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

Yippppppieeee!!! Today we celebrate another awesome group of super heroes! Yes members of The Red Cross and Red Crescent. These are humans with an overload of compassion for others! They volunteer their time, skills, energy, heart, soul and body to helping those suffering as a result of wars, natural disasters, epidemic diseases, food shortages and the injured. They do these by providing natural disaster relief, medical services and other health and social programs. The theme for this year's celebration is - Memorable Smiles From Around The World. For over a century, the Red Cross has brought smiles to the suffering people from around the world as a result of their voluntary and selfless activities. In Lagos in addition to the global theme, this year's celebration is themed -A Smile For Your Work. We are also reminded of the timeless principles of the Red Cross-Humanity, Independence, Impartiality, Neutrality, Voluntary service, Unity and Universality. These guide al

We Love Our Midwives

Source: International Confederation of Midwives Think of a midwife and in your head you conjure up images of a motherly figure encouraging a woman in labour to push and push her baby into the world.   News is that these professionals are not only involved in the birthing process, their areas of specialization includes pregnancy, child birth (during labour and delivery) postpartum (after labour and delivery), sexual and reproductive health. They can team up with the doctor or work in isolation either in a hospital setting or at home. This year the theme is: Midwives leading the way with quality care. Indeed, midwives have consistently shown care to both pregnant women, women in labour and those precious babies. We indeed love our midwives, thank you for your dedication and care. God bless and reward you. #HappyInternationalMidwivesDay #MidwivesLeadingTheWayWithQualityCare #WeLoveOurMidwives

International Firefighers' Day #firesafety

An uncontrollable fire in the home space, work space or wherever,  who is the guy to call? Most definitely, your fire fighter! Like their name goes, they fight fire that takes lives and destroys properties. Fighting fires is no child's play. Fire fighters are no doubt super heroes,risking their lives and all to protect life and property. May 4th is observed as the International Fire Fighters Day, we remember fire fighters that have lost their lives while on duty and appreciate those that still put their lives on the line to ensure that lives and properties are protected always. As always, preventing a fire is always better than fighting one, hence knowledge on fire safety is mandatory. Fire preventive systems should be installed in buildings, these include smoke detectors, fire alarms etc. Fire fighting systems like fire extinguishers, water sprinklers etc. Some ways to prevent a fire accident: -do not leave open fires unattended -install smoke/fire alarm -keep flammable

May 1st, World Asthma Day

Source: Global Initiative for Asthma Today is World Asthma day! The theme this year is “Never too early, never too late. It’s always the right the right time to address airways disease”. On this day we are raising the awareness on asthma and its management. Asthma is an airway disease in which breathing becomes difficult because the airways get narrowed, inflamed or swollen; there is also excess mucous production. Asthma attacks affect the quality of life of a sufferer, causes absenteeism at work and school. Signs & Symptoms ·          Difficulty in breathing (breathlessness), speaking or walking ·          Chest tightness ·          Wheezing ·          Coughing ·          Distress ·          Grey-blue tinge to the lips, earlobes and nail beds (known as cyanosis) Causes The muscles of the air passages in the lungs go into spasm. This makes the airways narrower, making it difficult to breathe. Asthma attacks in patients can be triggered by smoke and


Source: Kadena Air Base Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, also known by the acronym CPR, is a life saving technique and an emergency procedure performed in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who  is unconscious and not breathing  or has suffered cardiac arrest. It is a basic but proven first aid skill, practiced throughout the world. It is an effective method of keeping the victim alive long enough for definitive treatment to be delivered. The practice actually dates back to 1700s after The Paris Academy of Sciences officially recommended mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for drowning victims in 1740.  While in 1767 in Amsterdam, the Society for Recovery of Drowned Persons was found with the sole responsibility of, as the name implies, rescuing those who fell into the dam or canals. This was as a result of the numerous dams and canals in and around Amsterdam, they w


Source: Flickr A few years ago I witnessed at a hospital, a young man who had been electrocuted brought in. He was later pronounced "brought in dead". Were there things that could have been done to prevent this death? Maybe! The effects of an electric shock on a person depends on the following factors: -the type of current -how high the voltage is -how long the person is in contact with the  electric current -what path the current travels through the body -the person's overall health -how quickly the person gets first aid and professional medical help  There are things that can be done to save a persons life after been electrocuted. You first have to understand the effect of electrocution to a person's body. It affects the normal functions of the heart, lungs and nervous system.  Here are somethings that you can do if you see a person been electrocuted: Check for danger to yourself, bystanders and the patient. Switch off power, if possible, b


Source:Wikimedia Commons So, you come across someone looking like (s)he is dead, don’t rule them as dead, don’t conclude that they are beyond redemption, that it is all over. In the absence of medical equipment, there are things to do to confirm life or death - LLF L -LOOK to see if the chest is rising and falling L -LISTEN for breaths from mouth and nose F -FEEL on your cheeks respiration from the mouth and nose If LLF is absent, there are no signs of life, there is still a joker card to pull out which might just save the day! -Commence cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR should be carried out when there are no signs of life, no pulse or there is slow pulse ( less than 60 beats/minute ), very weak breaths or gasping desperately for breath. It is scary to imagine that we have let people who still had a chance to live, to eventually die because we did not give the necessary first aid care or administer CPR. The fact that someone passes out or


     A family of four staying at No. 13, Buraimoh street, Bariga area of Lagos State, Nigeria, lost their lives on the 6th of December, 2017 as a result of a fire accident at their home. The actual cause of the fire was not reported but the assumptions stated that the resultant causes could have been an electrical spark or candle. This was a very tragic news. But what caught my attention the most in the news report as reported by Vanguard Newspaper, was what the fire Chief said. He said: "Members of the family should always know the exits of their apartment whenever there is an emergency" What is your exit plan at your home in case of an emergency? We live in a society where it is a norm to have burglary proof as the first step for home security. It is good  to have these as a deterrent to burglars but would the burglary proof hinder the chance of rescue in case of an emergency? In the case of the family that lost their lives, despite the arrival of the State Fire


Source: Viva! Naija If you are participating in the marathon, how prepared are you? Are you a first timer or a regular? Whatever your your marathon status, you need to "be prepared",just like the boys scout. The preparation has probably been going on for months, weeks. days.... I guess you have prepared physically, with all the training,prepared psychologically, prepared mentally........ Have you prepared yourself medically? Are you aware of some of the most frequently occurring medical emergencies that could happen during a marathon? So here's a heads-up: Medical emergencies do occur, and they do so mostly unannounced. Engaging in a marathon could expose you to them. But if you are prepared , then you are covered. The medical emergencies very from mild to severe. Information on what to do is important. Here is a list of things that could happen (this is not an exhaustive list though): Heat exhaustion Muscle cramp Blistering or chaffing Vomiting 


Source: Max Pixel I had a friend who told me how her last child mistakenly drank Dettol liquid. She immediately went into panic mode (as you would expect of a mother). She had to ensure her child drank some palm oil to neutralize any possible effect(African first aid,lol). But what is the best way to handle such unexpected events. You first have to understand that children knowledgeable enough to distinguish between what is actually healthy and harmful. They copy what adults do yet not knowing the reason we do them or where to draw the line when taking seemingly risky acts. Remember the scene in Home Alone 1, where Macaulay Culkin's character (Kelvin) used his father's shaving cream. He screamed because of the sensation he felt. He (Kelvin) didn't understand that the actual use of the shaving foam. He just wanted to behave like his dad. Without proper supervision, a  child can pick up any liquid and ingest it. What poisons are in our homes that can be harmful t


Source: Pixabay Ok, you still feel reluctant to help victims/casualties because your fear of the police and your strong suspicions of sinister motives are too strong to be ignored. You should therefore be aware of the Good Samaritan Law. According to The Nation newspaper of 26th June, 2016, a bill was presented at the National House of Representative know as the Good Samaritan Bill. The promoter of the bill is Hon. Jimi Benson and he was quoted as saying: The bill seeks to give citizens the ability to help one another in emergency situations by rendering emergency care without the worry of being sued. Considering that a good Samaritan in legal terms refers to someone who renders aid in an emergency to an injured person on a voluntary basis, the bill intends to provide legal basis for such selfless assistance. Though a volunteer comes to the aid of an injured or ill person (stranger) without pecuniary compensation or reward, the person giving the aid owes the stranger a d


Source: Linda Ikeji's Blog Finally, I found the video of the girl who was videoed performing CPR (Obviously this was her first time performing CPR) on her brother who had collapsed. With her mom and possibly her mom’s friend guiding her on what to do over the phone on CPR procedure. This must have been one of the most terrifying and stressful assignment for her to perform. However,it was a life and death issue. Words cannot describe how she felt doing it or was able to perform this, but she did and saved the day,an avoidable death was prevented. #AFABulouSSister! She performed the hands only procedure, although she did not exactly get it done as recommended, but the outcome was good. Check CPR procedures on my blog. Be equipped with the skill and the kit! You never know when a loved one or a stranger would collapse in your presence, it could end up been a disaster if you don't know what to do. But undergoing a first aid training and practice with a professional