World Thrombosis Day 2020
WTD is celebrated annually on the 13th of October. The theme this year is: Eyes Open To Thrombosis
The whole idea of WTD is to
i) Increase global awareness of thrombosis
ii) Know the causes of thrombosis
iii)Understand and know its risk factors
iv) Know the signs/symptoms of thrombosis v) Know how to prevent it
vi) Have an idea on it's treatment
Do you know what Thrombosis is?🤔
Simply put, it is the formation of a blood clot ( known as a thrombus) within a blood vessel. It prevents blood from flowing normally through the body's circulatory system.
Thrombosis is life threatening and can also cause disabiliyies.
A popular type is the DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis). It occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins in the body, most common site is the leg.
It can be life threatening. Inactivity for a long time could cause it,for example, people on a long flight. For prevention, it is advised that you get up occasionally to walk around or do leg exercises, elevate the legs or wear compression stockings
Open your eyes to Thrombosis and be aware.
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