My Water Chugging Journey

My water chugging journey 😁😁😁

Some time in late August i decided to start drinking water MORE water. 

This decision was divinely inspired 😁😁😁

See these pictures? They rep my hair loss at different times. I have suffered consistent hair loss, i kinda got used to it.

Every time i combed my hair, either after taking out braids or whatever i just lose a lot of hair.i steam as advised by the salon people. I even visited a hair clinic and they made their diagnosis-dry scalp, i tried to stick with their thearapy but got disinterested when i couldn't keep up with the tedious routine🀦‍♀️. I regularly buy all sorts of hair creams with claims to stop hair breakage and hair loss but nothing good came out of themπŸ₯Ί. I decided to go natural around late 2015 or early 2016 cause i thought it would help. Sadly i didn't see any benefit.

My hair seems to grow fast cause one would expect i should wake up bald one dayπŸ€”

On the 13th of August i decided to save the hair that i lost while my hair was been combed, i wanted to start saving the hair so that periodically i would see how much hair i lose.  When i got home i wanted to place the hair in my hair vault πŸ˜”.And then i said to God, "but You have the solution to this hair loss wahala nau, solve this thing for me". It was like i had a brainwave. Eureka! I remembered that i really don't like drinking water, i can almost do without water, or just do a glass a day. I remembered also that at the hair clinic, i was told i had dry scalp.

I made a decision to start actively drinking water. I found out the volume of water i should take daily. And i started my water chugging journey. I drink a minimum of 3 liters daily. My sister said for me to also steam my hair with rice water.

Well, i am glad to say that my hair loss is almost a thing of the past πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

The other picture shows significant reduction of hair loss.

Water chugging does nothing but absolute undiluted goodness for my hair. 
I might soon be called Rapunzel πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ


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