Silent disease #2
So we move to the next silent disease on our list👉 Cancer
How we hate the word. But we need to understand it, we need info about this enemy of mankind.
Cancer refers to a really large group of diseases. It is an abnormal growth of body cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to destroy normal body tissues.
It is one of the leading cause of death globally.
It is a non communicable disease.
There are over a 100 types of cancer.
It can affect almost all and any part of the body.
It rarely presents with signs and symptoms in the early stage. It is often discovered by chance or when it has reached an advanced stage (hence it's called a silent disease). It can also be detected through screening.
Some cancers are preventable (about 50%)
There is vaccination for a few types (cervical, liver cancer)
Cancer can occur as a result of genetics (can be inherited) as well as lifestyle choices
There are cancer survivors
Always always always.....early detection is key
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